Welcome to the CommonWell Community blog.
We are thrilled to launch a blog where we can have open dialogue and provide updates on the progress of the CommonWell Health Alliance and the health care industry at large.
In just three short months since we announced CommonWell at HIMSS, the commentary and conversations have been flowing. And we have loved every moment of it. Yes. Every moment.
It is obvious that interoperability is not just our passion, but yours, too. That’s why you are here. Right?! To date, we have experienced some great conversations at HIMSS and through Twitter (@CommonWell), but let’s face it, there is more to say than 140 characters will allow. The CommonWell Community blog will give us the forum to expand our dialogue.
Now that you’re here, we want your participation. Leave comments. Ask questions. Request clarity where needed. We here at CommonWell are looking to forge a new world of health data exchange and with that, understandably, comes questions.
Don’t get us wrong. We don’t have all the answers. There is a lot of work still to be done within CommonWell. We are excited for the year ahead of us and look forward to sharing as we go.
Thanks for stopping by today. Come back often. We look forward to the many conversations to come.
Before you leave, we’d love for you to answer one question: Do you think it’s time for interoperability in healthcare?