


2018 Spring Technology Retreat: Building our Future Together

May 9, 2018|Alliance Updates, Members, Providers, Services|

Each year, several members of the CommonWell Health Alliance technology-oriented committees [Use Case, Standards Technology and Integration Group (STIG), Deployment and Utilization, and Privacy and Security] take part in our Spring Technology Retreat. This year, more than 50 of us came together at MEDITECH in Foxborough, Massachusetts, to share knowledge, learn from one another and collaborate in a meaningful way [...]

Nationwide Care Transitions: Empowering the Provider, Empowering the Patient

March 5, 2018|HIMSS, Interoperability, Patients, Services|

More than 2.5 million passengers fly domestically in the US every day. How many of those people do you think remember to bring their health records with them in case of emergency? While I don’t know of any source tracking that statistic, my personal experience would lend me to believe it is very few. This time of year, it feels [...]

CommonWell FHIR-ing out API requests to MEDITECH

February 22, 2018|Deployment, FHIR, HIMSS, Services|

As Brightree shared in the previous blog, FHIR offers many advantages over legacy standards and for that reason, MEDITECH is certifying to be CommonWell’s first fully FHIR enabled member; both supplying and consuming C-CDA documents via FHIR APIs. We have opted to certify using RESTful FHIR APIs for ease, speed, and future-proofing. Because FHIR specifies modern file formats like JSON, [...]

Ready, Aim, FHIR! How CommonWell is using FHIR

February 20, 2018|FHIR, HIMSS, Services|

CommonWell and FHIR go way back. We embraced it from the beginning. We were the first network in production with the HL7 FHIR v.0.08 specification for patient identity management in 2014. And a year ago, we became the first network to put APIs into production that conform to the DSTU2 version. But how did FHIR, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, really [...]

Feb. 6 HIMSS Webinar Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR Features CommonWell ED and Circle Health CMO

January 31, 2018|Deployment, HIMSS, Interoperability, Patients, Providers, Services, Value of Health IT|

Mark your calendars! As we continue our countdown to HIMSS18, CommonWell Executive Director, Jitin Asnaani will present a webinar Tuesday, February 6 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time – “Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR.” Joined by Arthur M. Lauretano, MD, MS, FACS, Chief Medical Office at Circle Health, one of the first acute facilities to take CommonWell services live, the [...]

CommonWell in the News

August 29, 2017|Alliance Updates, Interoperability, Services|

As our Executive Director Jitin Asnaani said in our Summer Update back in June, CommonWell continues to rock and roll - both in terms of interoperability and in the news. During this past month, Jitin has shared his insights with Becker’s Hospital Review in a Q&A about the Alliance, the challenges of achieving true interoperability in healthcare and what the future [...]

Person-Centric from the Start

November 21, 2016|Interoperability, Patients, Services, Value of Health IT|

As CommonWell continues to expand the services and reach of its interoperability network, the concept of a real person at the heart of different representations of a patient’s healthcare across different systems remains core to CommonWell’s mission to create a vendor-neutral platform that breaks down the technological and process barriers that currently inhibit effective health data exchange. From the onset [...]

CommonWell Services Already Providing Value to Providers, Clinicians Nationwide

February 22, 2016|Services|

Since the inception of CommonWell, our focus has been to initiate real change and tangible value to the health care industry through our real-world interoperability services. Today, we have accomplished what many have not been able to–simplifying the process for connecting care for both providers and the people they serve. Our members began their nationwide deployment of CommonWell services in [...]

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