These days it’s not uncommon to experience a health scare when traveling. Given the current state of interoperability, this means whatever care provider you end up seeing, they aren’t guaranteed to have access to your records.

Many of us can relate.

It’s the exact scenario that CommonWell Health Alliance is striving to improve. And it all starts with the Record Locator Service. The RLS allows a provider organization linked to CommonWell to search the entire nationwide network in real time to gather comprehensive patient data—not just data from a limited geofenced location as other networks and frameworks offer. It does this by matching patient data and allowing a single request from a provider to quickly search the entire network and provide comprehensive results.

Meet Teresa

Teresa is a working mom of two, who resides in Hoboken, NJ. She takes her health seriously and is established with a primary care provider, a pulmonologist, and a cardiologist to manage her care. Her care team routinely coordinates her care using the Record Locator Service (RLS) provided by the CommonWell network, but it becomes even more important when she experiences an acute asthma attack while visiting her father at the Jersey Shore about 70 miles from her home.

She is rushed to the Emergency Department (ED) struggling to speak clearly and can only nod yes or no, so her ED providers needed the ability to quickly retrieve her medical records from her care team back in Hoboken. Using the CommonWell RLS, the ED is able to see that she has moderate asthma, mild hypertension, and a recent Covid-19 diagnosis. She is discharged back home with care from a home health team to provide monitoring and deconditioning. Her care team uses both query-based document exchange and FHIR data exchange to share important information in real-time.

Thanks to Individual Access Services and her right to access her own data, Teresa is able to use a consumer application connected to CommonWell to see her own health data and ensure its accuracy. Through the coordination of her care, Teresa is able to get back to her normal day-to-day activities and lead a healthy, well-managed life.

Powering Data Access in the Continuum of Care: See it in Action

Join us at HIMSS23’s Interoperability Showcase™ to watch as her providers leverage CommonWell services and its nationwide network of more than 34,000 provider sites to coordinate care leveraging technology of these seven CommonWell members:

  • Athenahealth
  • eClinicalWorks
  • Health Gorilla
  • MatrixCare
  • OneRecord
  • Oracle Health

In addition to showcasing our core CommonWell services like Patient Identification & Linking, Record Locator Service, and Data Query & Retrieve Broker, we will also be providing a detailed look at Individual Access Services—a key component of TEFCA—Autolinking and FHIR Document and Discrete Resource Exchange.

Experience Teresa’s health journey 15 minutes past the hour Tuesday April 18 – Thursday April 20 in the North Building, Hall B, Booth 7946 in Chicago.

To learn more about where to find CommonWell at HIMSS23 visit us here:

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