CommonWell Blog2024-10-04T08:55:44-05:00


CommonWell Blog

CommonWell TV 2022: Health IT Execs on TEFCA

March 31, 2022|CommonWellTV, Interoperability, Members|Author: |

While there are regional and national interoperability hubs like CommonWell working at scale across the country, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT’s (ONC) recent Trusted Exchange Framework and the Common Agreement (TEFCA) aims at pushing the health IT industry to certify these hubs as highly scalable, highly secure utility grade systems and connect them via standardized exchange [...]

I’m Building My Personal Health Record with OneRecord: Here’s Why it Matters

January 19, 2022|Interoperability, Members, Patients|Author: |

I was first diagnosed with Lyme disease when I was seven years old. No one knew at the time that this diagnosis would be the start of nearly two decades of illness, of new diagnoses, and of managing my health. I have always been more than my illness, but my experience living with chronic illness has shaped my life and my identity. It’s also inspired me to use my voice to share my story and to empower others to do the same, whether they have a chronic illness or not.

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