#QHINBound & Ready to Take Interoperability to the Next Level
We believe TEFCA is the future of interoperability and as one of the largest, vendor-neutral, nationwide health data exchange networks in the U.S. leveraging a Record Locator Service, TEFCA was basically designed around the way we do business. CommonWell not only has every intention of applying to be a QHIN, but we’re excited about its potential to improve health data [...]
CommonWell TV 2022: Proud Members of the #InteropDoneRight Crew
CommonWell has been building and scaling a nationwide health data exchange network since 2013. In just under 10 years, it has grown to include more than 80 unique members and build a nationwide network that started with a few thousand provider organizations and now connects more than 27,000. This progress was made possible, in part, to its dedicated members--which [...]
Using PULSE to Improve Public Health Response During Hurricane Season
This month marked the start of the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which stretches through November 30. With one named stormed already underway, The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration is anticipating an above average season—with a 70 percent chance the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season will bring 14 to 21 named storms, or storms with winds of 39 mph or higher; six to [...]
Playing with FHIR: A Success for Our First FHIR Connectathon
Recently, CommonWell hosted our first FHIR Connectathon under the working premise that the best way to figure out what we don’t know is to get our hands dirty and start testing. Participants included 11 of our Service Adopters: athenahealth, Cancer Insights, Cerner, Health Gorilla, Inovalon, MEDHOST, MEDITECH, Oprable, Patientory, Seqster and WellSky. We ran three testing tracks, all with [...]
Human API: Empowering Human-Driven Health Data Access and Usability
I sometimes describe Human API as the Plaid or PayPal for health care data. While these analogies may not fully hold up yet, I envision a future where humans like you and me can easily use our health data in ways that feel similar to how we can use our financial data to transact (think using PayPal for an [...]
CommonWell TV 2022: Data Quality & Its Role in Health Equity
According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) health equity is achieved when every person has the opportunity to “attain his or her full health potential” and no one is “disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of social position or other socially determined circumstances.” Having a complete view of an individual’s clinical data is vital to achieving [...]
CommonWell TV 2022: Because of Interop, by 2030
During CommonWell TV 2022, we took a page from the U.S. Health & Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT and asked our members to speculate on the future of interoperability by asking them to finish this statement: Because of interop, by 2030… Read below for their reactions and watch this year’s CommonWell TV videos here. Personalized [...]
CommonWell TV 2022: Health IT Execs on TEFCA
While there are regional and national interoperability hubs like CommonWell working at scale across the country, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT’s (ONC) recent Trusted Exchange Framework and the Common Agreement (TEFCA) aims at pushing the health IT industry to certify these hubs as highly scalable, highly secure utility grade systems and connect them via standardized exchange [...]
CommonWell Service Demonstrations at the HIMSS22 Interoperability Showcase™
At this year’s HIMSS Interoperability Showcase™, CommonWell members will bring CommonWell services to life as they walk you through a year in the life of Oscar in the Nationwide Connected Care use case.