


Ready, Aim, FHIR! How CommonWell is using FHIR

February 20, 2018|FHIR, HIMSS, Services|

CommonWell and FHIR go way back. We embraced it from the beginning. We were the first network in production with the HL7 FHIR v.0.08 specification for patient identity management in 2014. And a year ago, we became the first network to put APIs into production that conform to the DSTU2 version. But how did FHIR, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, really [...]

Beyond the EHR: Diversity in Our Membership

February 15, 2018|Alliance Updates, HIMSS, Launch, Members, Membership|

Five years ago, five health IT leaders from competing companies stood on a stage during HIMSS13 and announced they were coming together to breakdown the silos of health data exchange. I remember standing in that New Orleans hotel ballroom, proud of what my industry was doing and excited for what was about to come. Many openly questioned the likelihood of [...]

HIMSS Webinar – A Provider Perspective: CommonWell Helps Drive Better Value and Patient Experience

February 13, 2018|Deployment, HIMSS, Interoperability, Providers, Value of Health IT|

Often, it is when we take a step back and look at the big picture of the health care industry that we most clearly see the urgent need for true interoperability and can reaffirm the real value that CommonWell services are already bringing to providers and their patients. Last Tuesday, HIMSS provided us with such an opportunity in a webinar [...]

Feb. 6 HIMSS Webinar Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR Features CommonWell ED and Circle Health CMO

January 31, 2018|Deployment, HIMSS, Interoperability, Patients, Providers, Services, Value of Health IT|

Mark your calendars! As we continue our countdown to HIMSS18, CommonWell Executive Director, Jitin Asnaani will present a webinar Tuesday, February 6 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time – “Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR.” Joined by Arthur M. Lauretano, MD, MS, FACS, Chief Medical Office at Circle Health, one of the first acute facilities to take CommonWell services live, the [...]

HIMSS17: It’s a wrap

March 2, 2017|Alliance Updates, HIMSS|, CommonWell Marketing Chair|

This year marks our 5th Anniversary at HIMSS, which hardly seems possible for those of us who have been a part of CommonWell since day one. This year seemed to be especially fun, with individuals from many of our member companies staffing our booth. We had a great time hosting new and old friends in our booth and enjoyed [...]

CommonWell TV is back for HIMSS17!

February 20, 2017|Alliance Updates, HIMSS|, CommonWell Marketing Chair|

In case you are missing HIMSS in Orlando, we invite you to log on to CommonWellTV.com for footage straight from the HIMSS show floor! Hear from industry icons and from more than 20 CommonWell member executives as they share their thoughts on CommonWell, interoperability and the future of the health care industry – all from the HIMSS show floor! Check [...]

CommonWell at HIMSS17 – Know Before You Go

February 17, 2017|HIMSS|, CommonWell Marketing Chair|

Hello from sunny Orlando! Home of Disney World, the Harry Potter Experience at Universal and the HIMSS17 conference, all of which given me a twinge of awe and amazement when I walk through the gates/doors (and each of which always leave my feet hurting at the end of the day). This year at HIMSS, I am contemplating wearing sneakers versus [...]

Live Demonstrations of CommonWell Services at the HIMSS 17 Interoperability Showcase

February 16, 2017|HIMSS, Interoperability|

Every you time you visit your health care provider, you mostly likely are faced with the daunting task of recalling your medical history – from yesterday to birth, in some cases. You fill out paper forms. You lug medical records from office to office. Or perhaps you decide it is too much work and just don’t share your clinical history. [...]

HIMSS16 in the books

March 8, 2016|HIMSS|, CommonWell Marketing Chair|

Wow! It hardly seems possible that it was just a week ago when we were hosting our 4th consecutive booth at HIMSS. It was a packed four days, filled with networking, education and celebration. This year, we had 21 of our 40+ member companies participating at HIMSS. As you can see, they were proud to display their CommonWell membership, with [...]

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