It’s the third and final day for the Exhibition at HIMSS15. For those of you at the conference, this probably means your feet are aching, your body would like a bit more sleep and your mind is racing to figure out how you are going to make it to all the booths you have yet to see before the show ends.
We at CommonWell don’t look at today as our final day to showcase our services and efforts. We look at HIMSS as a starting point, taking away the ideas we have heard, the feedback received and the excitement felt for what we are doing. We also look at it as a way to make new friends and continue to keep connected throughout the year.
That is one reason why we launched our #GotInterop campaign this week. Not to just take input at the HIMSS show on where you would like our members to offer services next, but to give everyone (not just those at HIMSS) the opportunity to share their interest.
So we hope if you are reading this, you will take one more minute and share your support of CommonWell’s nationwide expansion. You can submit your zip code to tell us where you would like for us to expand next and see a map pinpointing those locations. You can tweet your support using #GotInterop. Or you can still stop by our HIMSS Booth 3960 in the South Building to find out more and talk with representatives from our various member companies or our new Executive Director. Our full schedule of our HIMSS booths events can be found at