Tom and I are excited that CPSI and Sunquest are now part of the CommonWell Health Alliance. Both our organizations are committed to achieving interoperability for the common good and look forward to this collaboration, which includes being among the seven companies working with service provider RelayHealth in the Alliance’s upcoming pilot program.
For more than 30 years, CPSI has been dedicated to meeting the health IT needs of rural and community hospitals. In this time, we’ve seen hospitals and providers make the largely-successful transition from paper to electronic health records. We’ve kept pace with technology advancements and envision a future where health care data silos no longer a hurdle and patient data is easily (and securely) accessible by providers and patients alike.
During those same 30 years, Sunquest has been committed to improving patient safety by developing, delivering, and supporting expert software solutions that fully automate lab operations and diagnostic processes across the continuum of care. We also believe in the importance of the mission to promote and certify a national infrastructure with common standards and policies and ensure that products, which display the CommonWell Health Alliance seal, have been certified to work on the national infrastructure. The liquidity of lab results among providers that we envision as part of CommonWell will save our clients’ resources, and, more importantly, save patients’ lives.
By becoming members of CommonWell, we are ready to take action to make CommonWell’s vision – health data available to patients and providers regardless of care location – a reality. We stand ready to represent the rural, community and critical access hospitals and laboratories of America and look forward to working together with the other Alliance members.
We look forward to the work ahead of us.
Scott Schneider, CPSI and Tom Wilson, Sunquest