#QHINBound & Ready to Take Interoperability to the Next Level
OnTap2023-01-31T04:30:20-06:00We believe TEFCA is the future of interoperability and as one of the largest, vendor-neutral, nationwide health data exchange networks in the U.S. leveraging a Record Locator Service, TEFCA was basically designed around the way we do business. CommonWell not only has every intention of applying to be a QHIN, but we’re excited about its potential to improve health data exchange and empower patients and welcome our collaborators, partners and competitors to join us in supporting and building TEFCA. We feel so strongly about it we’ve created a new suite of social media graphics to share our support and give our members an opportunity to join in on the fun as well. Follow us @CommonWell as we roll them out over the next few weeks. To learn more about CommonWell, [...]