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So far CommonWell has created 171 blog entries.
1 03, 2018

2018 Update: The Power of Many


Sometimes I forget that I am the only full-time employee of the Alliance. You can easily see why that is if you read any of our most recent blogs. CommonWell is a community effort, and our members are also our leaders, our innovators and our biggest advocates: Morgan Knochel from one of our newest subscribers – OneRecord – shared her personal journey through the health care system as she became her own patient advocate and ultimately benefited by being one of the first patients to access her health records via CommonWell. MEDITECH, Brightree and Change Healthcare wrote about their leadership in building and leveraging FHIR in their software to exchange data through CommonWell. Nick Knowlton, our membership chair for the past four years and a past and current executive at [...]

2018 Update: The Power of Many2023-01-31T04:32:58-06:00
1 03, 2018

Welcome to our Newest CommonWell Members!


Five years ago next week, five companies announced at HIMSS13 that they were forming a new Alliance focused on breaking down barriers to sharing health data. CommonWell Health Alliance is now nearly 80 members strong with more than 20 care settings represented by our membership. Our membership diversity continues to expand. Today, I am thrilled to share the newest General Members of the Alliance, which extends our membership diversity to new settings of care and provider organizations, including one of the largest health systems in the country. All are notable innovators in their respective fields. Ascension Ascension is a faith-based healthcare organization dedicated to transformation through innovation across the continuum of care. As the largest non-profit health system in the U.S. and the world’s largest Catholic health system, Ascension is [...]

Welcome to our Newest CommonWell Members!2023-01-31T04:32:58-06:00
25 02, 2018

Patient Access: Putting My Binder Back on the Shelf


I have a chronic illness. During my diagnosis process, from 2012 to 2014, I carried a four-inch binder to all my doctors’ appointments because none of the specialists I visited communicated with each other or shared records. I had to be the single source of truth for my own medical information; otherwise, tests were unnecessarily repeated and my medical bills spun out of control. When appointments concluded, I would call to request a paper copy of the visit record, pick it up from the office, and add it to my binder. An incredible amount of work was involved in creating my binder. I made sure it was easy to flip through and organized logically. I even created cover sheets to provide doctors with a brief overview of what changed in [...]

Patient Access: Putting My Binder Back on the Shelf2023-01-31T04:32:59-06:00
22 02, 2018

CommonWell FHIR-ing out API requests to MEDITECH


As Brightree shared in the previous blog, FHIR offers many advantages over legacy standards and for that reason, MEDITECH is certifying to be CommonWell’s first fully FHIR enabled member; both supplying and consuming C-CDA documents via FHIR APIs. We have opted to certify using RESTful FHIR APIs for ease, speed, and future-proofing. Because FHIR specifies modern file formats like JSON, which pass along their attribute names, developers don’t have to worry about the hierarchy of the data — it can be transferred and received in any order. It also means information can be inspected. A developer can see what information is present and what is missing, so you’ll never mistake a seven-digit ID number for a phone number. A further benefit is that because FHIR is based on common internet [...]

CommonWell FHIR-ing out API requests to MEDITECH2023-01-31T04:32:59-06:00
21 02, 2018

We Didn’t Start the FHIR…


With sincere apologies to Billy Joel, the title for this blog is actually very accurate. We didn’t start the FHIR. Modern interoperability is all about standing on the shoulders of giants and the work that comes before you. And that is what FHIR does – it takes many good things that have impacted healthcare interoperability in a positive manner and modernizes the concepts from a transactional and infrastructure standpoint, and from a content standpoint, to enable interoperability to achieve better scalability. You can read how CommonWell has enabled use of the FHIR standard within the CommonWell services in Andrew Wright’s, Change Healthcare, blog post. Why did we at Brightree embrace FHIR for our connectivity with CommonWell and other portions of our interoperability solutions sets? We are writing today to help [...]

We Didn’t Start the FHIR…2023-01-31T04:33:00-06:00
20 02, 2018

Ready, Aim, FHIR! How CommonWell is using FHIR


CommonWell and FHIR go way back. We embraced it from the beginning. We were the first network in production with the HL7 FHIR v.0.08 specification for patient identity management in 2014. And a year ago, we became the first network to put APIs into production that conform to the DSTU2 version. But how did FHIR, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, really take root in CommonWell? It’s through the Alliance culture. A culture engineered for collaboration On day one, not all CommonWell members wanted to use the old HL7 v2 PIX solution to provide registration messages to CommonWell. Some advanced members wanted to develop a future-facing solution including REST and FHIR. Also, the Alliance wanted to offer flexibility via multiple onboarding pathways for our members, so we collectively decided to support both [...]

Ready, Aim, FHIR! How CommonWell is using FHIR2023-01-31T04:33:00-06:00
15 02, 2018

Beyond the EHR: Diversity in Our Membership


Five years ago, five health IT leaders from competing companies stood on a stage during HIMSS13 and announced they were coming together to breakdown the silos of health data exchange. I remember standing in that New Orleans hotel ballroom, proud of what my industry was doing and excited for what was about to come. Many openly questioned the likelihood of success and some even questioned the motives of the participants. Many others, myself included, knew it was just what the industry needed to help jumpstart our nation in improving the delivery of health care. When we launched CommonWell Health Alliance, we knew we needed to keep the initial launch focused, starting with allowing disparate EHRs to connect across and amongst acute and ambulatory practices. And our membership during our first [...]

Beyond the EHR: Diversity in Our Membership2023-01-31T04:33:00-06:00
13 02, 2018

HIMSS Webinar – A Provider Perspective: CommonWell Helps Drive Better Value and Patient Experience


Often, it is when we take a step back and look at the big picture of the health care industry that we most clearly see the urgent need for true interoperability and can reaffirm the real value that CommonWell services are already bringing to providers and their patients. Last Tuesday, HIMSS provided us with such an opportunity in a webinar co-presented by our executive director, Jitin Asnaani, and Dr. Arthur Lauretano, Chief Medical Officer of Circle Health. For those who were unable to join the webinar entitled “Building Patient-Centered Data Exchange into the EHR,” Jitin shared the barriers hindering scalable, nationwide, vendor-neutral interoperability. In short, the situation is this: while patients typically expect that their providers have access to their previous health records before they receive care, in reality this [...]

HIMSS Webinar – A Provider Perspective: CommonWell Helps Drive Better Value and Patient Experience2023-01-31T04:33:01-06:00
31 01, 2018

Feb. 6 HIMSS Webinar Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR Features CommonWell ED and Circle Health CMO


Mark your calendars! As we continue our countdown to HIMSS18, CommonWell Executive Director, Jitin Asnaani will present a webinar Tuesday, February 6 at 1 p.m. Eastern Time – “Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR.” Joined by Arthur M. Lauretano, MD, MS, FACS, Chief Medical Office at Circle Health, one of the first acute facilities to take CommonWell services live, the two will discuss in depth how access to patient records, made possible through standardized industry methods, is providing value to providers and their patients, while changing the game in the delivery and outcomes of care. Those planning to tune in must register here to access the webinar. Want to join the discussion? Follow along with us on Twitter @CommonWell and share your thoughts and favorite insights using #InteropDoneRight.

Feb. 6 HIMSS Webinar Building Patient-Centered Data Into the EHR Features CommonWell ED and Circle Health CMO2023-01-31T04:33:02-06:00
12 12, 2017

Welcome to our Newest CommonWell Members!


Tis the Season to be jolly! And when you get to announce three new General Members, all of whom share our vision to improve the access of data to providers and the individuals they serve, it is indeed a great day! As we close 2017, we are quickly nearing the 80-member mark spanning more than 20 care settings. Stay tuned in 2018 as we continue to expand our services and membership across the continuum. Cognizant Cognizant, ranked 205 in Fortune 500 list, is a world leading professional services company known for transforming clients' business in digital era. Cognizant has joined CommonWell to lead the movement towards adoption of digital health data across a spectrum of Life and Disability Insurance use cases. Collective Medical Technologies Collective Medical, delivering the nation’s largest [...]

Welcome to our Newest CommonWell Members!2023-01-31T04:33:02-06:00
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