A Year of Promise and Fulfillment
CommonWell2023-01-31T04:37:16-06:00Onstage in New Orleans at HIMSS13, the CommonWell Health Alliance was announced. While presenting the goals and intent of the initiative, the five CEOs within the health IT industry were met with wide media reaction, praise from supporters such as the Bipartisan Policy Center, and admittedly, a dose of skepticism by a few. Could these market competitors across acute and ambulatory segments live up to the embrace? Was it all for show? Could they really get anything done and so on. I recall McKesson CEO John Hammergren deeming the Alliance an “inflection point in health care.” Now as HIMSS14 approaches and CommonWell plans to focus on announcements and initial successes in Orlando matching those goals and intent, I think we can call the combined achievements of the past year a [...]