Bylaws and Policies

The CommonWell agreements and associated policies form the trust framework for the exchange of data within CommonWell and with external framework such as TEFCA and Carequality.

Our Bylaws

Policies and bylaws provide the structure and rules for governance and operation of the Alliance.

Membership Agreements

The CommonWell agreements and associated policies form the Trust Framework for the exchange of data within CommonWell and with external frameworks such as TEFCA and Carequality.

CommonWell membership is open to any entity. In order to join, Members must agree to be governed by the bylaws and policies of the Alliance. Likewise, to use Alliance Services, Members adopting services agree to technical, security and other policies to create a Trust Framework that enables clinical data exchange at nationwide scale.

Membership Agreement

The Alliance Membership Agreement provides the governance and policies to allow all Members to address interoperability challenges as an Alliance.

Member Services Agreement

Members who opt to use Alliance services must execute the Membership Agreement above as well as this Services Agreement. This establishes the Trust agreement which links all Members to the same exchange policies and standards and allows for certified applications to connect to CommonWell’s exchange platform.

End User License Agreement (EULA)

The CommonWell End User License Agreement (EULA) sets forth the terms and conditions between the Alliance and an authorized user of its services.

Connecting to Frameworks and Networks Outside CommonWell

CommonWell participates in external frameworks to enable exchange for those inside our network with those outside. This includes Carequality today and is expected to include TEFCA as TEFCA goes live and CommonWell is designated as a QHIN. All Members and their Authorized Users utilizing CommonWell services to interoperate with external frameworks must follow the terms and conditions of the applicable framework.

External Transactions

This is linked to from the CommonWell Member Agreement and the CommonWell End User License Agreement and enumerates the available frameworks and where to find applicable flow-down terms.

TEFCA Flow Down Terms

Provides the flow-down terms applicable to Members of the Alliance and Authorized Users.

The CommonWell Technical Specification

CommonWell Specifications

CommonWell Use Cases and technical specs are available at the link below:

Specification License

Provides the terms and conditions by which CommonWell’s health care-related specification and related documentation may be used.

Trademark and Intellectual Property

Describes appropriate usage of CommonWell trademarks by CommonWell Members and Authorized Users.